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Frequently Asked Questions about the reservation process


How far is Livensa Living Bilbao from the Deusto Business School?

If you’re a student at Deusto Business School, you’ll find it is at a convenient 20-minute walking distance.
If you’re feeling a bit more sporty, you can arrive by bike in just 7 minutes.

Which UPV/EHU faculty is closest to Livensa Living Bilbao?

The closest UPV/EHU faculty is the Facultad de Economía y Empresa. It’s just half a kilometer away!

Which metro stop is the closest to the residence?

There are two metro stops nearby: Sarriko y Deustu.

How far is Livensa Living Bilbao from the main universities?

We are very well-connected to the main universities! Here is a list of those closest to us:

  • UPV/EHU (Sarriko) is only 500 meters away from the residence.
  • You can walk to Deusto Business School; it will only take you 20 minutes.
  • IED Kunsthal Bilbao is at a 15-minute walking distance from Livensa Living.
  • DigiPen is 25 minutes away.
  • UPV Leioa is a 30-minute bus ride from Livensa Living Bilbao.
  • The Bilbao School of Engineering — UPV/EHU is only 15 minutes away by public transport.

Is Livensa Living Bilbao located in a safe neighborhood?

Yes, it is a quiet area and there are always people around because the UPV/EHU is very close. There is also a soccer field right across the street with people playing and watching games. Furthermore, there is a police station very close to the residence. You’ll find the area perfect to live peacefully and without any worry!

Is the kitchenware included in my room?

No, it is not included, you will have to provide your own.

Begin your
journey with us

What dates are you looking for?

At Livensa Living Bilbao, we offer you a range of different arrival and departure dates. Check availability:

CityCiudad Frequently Asked Questions Livensa Bilbao

ResidenceCity 1 Frequently Asked Questions Livensa Bilbao
Livensa Living Bilbao